A look at the FREE new upcoming racetracks!

We've been working hard to create some of the best GRIP tracks yet, and I think we've succeeded. There's still more time needed to finalize the racetracks update, but we thought our community would appreciate a sneak peek in the meantime.

Check out this track showcase trailer, complete with the bangin' tune from Full Kontakt - Cyborg:

Our next update will include MORE CAR SKIN UNLOCKS past level 30. We'll be bumping the max level to 40 to make room.

The unlockable car skins will be the ones used by the AI characters in the campaign, plus some proper paint for the Pariah cars, as we know you guys have been wanting some.

Plenty more to come!

As always, be sure to jump on our very active GRIP Discord to get more involved with the game and its community.

Nabil Benbouza